Monday, January 10, 2011


Yes, I'm crawling back in here six months after the last post. It's a new year, and I'm really working to renew myself. I'm getting my apartment more in order after living here for six months, and I'm getting more drawing studies done, no matter if it's just some quick gestures off posemaniacs or pixelovely...

...or some more detailed studies from books by Bridgman...

...or Hogarth.

The main thing is that I try to learn from it. It's also good when I really have no inspiration to do anything else. Hm. Should get some more life-drawings done, too.

All right!

Anyway, a new year, and new chances to actually draw stuff to post here. So here's a dump of things I've posted in other places. Still, it's stuff I've made during these past six months when I was too lazy to log in and upload them to my blog.